While Microsoft Word was unquestionably the 800-pound gorilla of word processors, we have no sense of which Markdown editors will stand out in this survey. These features can be either built-in or come via a plug-in or extension.

We aren’t considering apps that you access only inside Terminal, but Mac adaptations of Unix apps are fine.

It’s plain text, which keeps files small, easily manipulable, and portable across multiple apps on every computing platform. Markdown, which took some of its design cues from the setext markup language that Adam Engst helped Ian Feldman develop 25 years ago (see “ TidBITS in new format,” 6 January 1992), has become popular over the last decade. Although the results were useful, many people made it clear that they have traded traditional word processors for apps that support the Markdown text markup language, originally designed by John Gruber of Daring Fireball fame. We recently asked TidBITS readers to vote for their favorite word processors (see “ Vote for Your Favorite Mac Word Processor,” 10 July 2017). Vote for Your Favorite Mac Markdown Editor #1650: Cloud storage changes for Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive quirky printing problem.

#1651: Dealing with leading zeroes in spreadsheet data, removing ad tracking from ckbk.#1652: OS updates, DPReview shuttered, LucidLink cloud storage.#1653: Apple Music Classical review, Authory service for writers, WWDC 2023 dates announced.1654: Urgent OS security updates, upgrading to macOS 13 Ventura, using smart speakers while temporarily blind.